This work blends Medical Mediumship, Shamanic Journeying, Frequency work, Quantum Healing, and “Parts work” (IFS). I connect with your Highest Expression of Self, who provides a specialized data packet unique to you of the things to be cleared, clarified or addressed in our session. This can include many things but typically what comes forward is trauma and patterns or programs that limit you from reaching your full potential or create distortions in your energy field that create mind, body, or spiritual afflictions. Our work is done in the quantum field and I start by putting you in the zero point center of your body to get into very deep layers, and give you calming and grounding theta frequencies given to stabilize. My Higher Self then works with you and your Higher Self to clear anything that needs to be cleared, resolved, or clarified quickly and efficiently, and wash up the energetic layers in the body space with purifying frequencies and optimizing body systems as available.
I am also a licensed Mindfulness Based Transpersonal Therapist (like your typical mental health therapist but with some spiritual add-ons) and I utilize my background tools and techniques to help you process anything that comes up, translating and sharing the energy session happening to you and prompting you to talk about certain things that come up that my Higher Self sees through a lens that provides a safe, grounded and attuned relational container.
How Does this Compare to Therapy?
These sessions are like therapy sessions on steroids. Imagine a therapy session where your Higher Self is the guide, given high-level spiritual technologies and quantum programming by my Higher Self in the quantum (which is in the timeless realm, where you can access your Akashic records for all lifetimes and can collapse patterns/program from when they were created in your soul history).. add frequencies to calm your nervous system, and zero point space/time mechanics to get you deeply into the center of your body space, deepening embodiment.
This work creates big shifts in the healing of trauma, patterns, programs, and conditioning, upleveling people really quickly. Unlike psychedelics or methods that alter states of consciousness, it doesn’t compromise sovereignty, allows for deep embodiment, and in my experience offers the fastest route for spiritual development and embodying as much of your soul in the human body in deepening ways, developing intuitive abilities and living from your authentic, unique soul fractal essence.