Hi, I’m Phoebe. My work weaves together cutting-edge quantum sciences, somatic awareness, and transpersonal psychology, rooted in a multidisciplinary background that includes Biochemistry, Engineering, and Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling. Think of me as a jack of all trades information sponge, skillfully bridging the gap between science and the metaphysical to create an innovative framework for holistic healing.

However, my most potent and transformative spiritual initiations have come from my experiences processing trauma, picking myself up after difficult lessons, surviving many dark nights of the soul, navigating dicey spiritual spaces, and making many mistakes (lessons) along the way. I’m on this journey with you, learning something new every day, and I enjoy the co-creation aspect of these sessions and feel inspired by how quickly this work changes people’s lives and allows them to live more aligned, happy and soul-led lives.