The Energetic Difference: How to Select an Energy Healing Practitioner and a Comparison of Popular Techniques for Entity Clearing and Spiritual Work
What is the difference between Reiki Healing and Quantum/Frequency Healing?
Well… technically, Reiki is also a frequency of energy. I have been trained in both Reiki Healing and Frequency Healing, and there are some key differences between the modalities for entity and spirit attachment removal work, soul retrieval work, shamanic practices, and general energy healing.
The most Important Criteria for Assessing Energy Healers: Is this person a Clear Channel?
One difference between Reiki Healing and Quantum/Frequency work lies in the energetic supply chain of the modalities. While every healer who does Quantum work has their own unique methods, the frequency work that I offer is done by my Higher Self, who is connected directly and only to God, Source, etc, and the frequencies given to you vary based on what is needed for you as dictated by your Higher Self (our Higher Selves work together during a Frequency session).
During a Reiki session, Reiki energy is channeled from a specific group of Beings who have their specific frequency (all spirits have a signature frequency, including humans). A reiki practitioner channels these beings as they have previously received an attunement to channel the frequency (a mega dose of concentrated energy through intent) from a long lineage of practitioners that create symbols which are then stored in a practitioner’s silver cord in their energy body. These symbols vibrate at specific reiki frequencies that allow them to attune to the frequency of Reiki energy to channel it to you either remotely or in person.
Reiki practitioners and frequency healing/quantum practitioners are similar in that they both use Remote or Distant Healing methods, which work using the principles of Quantum Entanglement to deliver energy to you.
However, the energetic supply chain of these methods and the technologies used to provide opportunities for healing are very different:
Energetic Supply Chain Differences Between Frequency Work and Reiki Healing
In the quantum frequency sessions I provide, the energy of Human Me in not merging with you in sessions.
During our Zoom session, Human Me is put in a Quantum Void state wherein I facilitate the session by providing you with information and transmitting messages/instructions to direct your awareness to certain parts of your body so that my Higher Self can clear what is in your body.
During Rapid Entity Removals and Possession work I do for spiritual emergencies, my Higher Self gives me a type of “data packet” of things to clear for you remotely, which my Higher Self then clears in me, clearing it in you.
The packet will be any entities, spirit attachments, objects, patterns such a mental health issues, negative thinking, etc that create the spirit possession or entity attachment, and patterns I can clear to boost up your energy field and protection. It is different from a Reiki session wherein a practitioner is visualizing a symbol and channeling energy through their body to another person for healing.
[Here are the nerdy details for those that are curious:
But, you ask, If I’m connected to my Higher Self, and my Higher Self is sending energy to a client, how is it possible that I’m not sharing energy with a client? This is a bit more technical than the illustration above depicts. We have a Higher Self version of us stationed at every dimensional level. Basically, I have created a Higher Self duplicate of my Higher Self in the 12th Dimension (my Avatar Christ Higher Self) that does the work exclusively for this business, and does not flow through Human Me specifically to work on clients. The 12th Dimensional Higher Self version of me is located in a Frequency Hub— a place designated as a Safe Zone for ascending beings. Fyi, there is nothing “dark” in the 12th Dimension and Above— only the 11th dimensions and below contain beings hostile to humans. There is also a flow-back filter I’ve configured and some other engineering stuff related to cording and timelines to add additional barriers, and certain techniques related to light refraction are used. This 12D Higher Self version of me also operates as a sort of spiritual mailman in the 12th dimension to help drop down the individual spiritual upgrades clients need from dimensions 44D and beyond (access to dimensions expands as the collective expands) that are specific to them to boost their ascension post-session— without my business and clients mixing with my own Human ascension process and soul journey.]
Quantum/Frequency Sessions also offer more detailed mind/body configuration work than Reiki or Shamanic Practitioners, and are more ideally suited for working with the upper multidimensional chakras:
In Quantum/Frequency session, the traditional shamanic practices of soul retrievals and ancestral clearing is combined with more in-depth and complex spiritual work in the upper multidimensional chakras, working with timelines and optimizing the body systems to support spiritual development and well-being. Unlike Shamanic Healing, where the practitioner enters into an altered state of consciousness through methods like drumming or plant medicines to project their consciousness outside of their body to travel and retrieve your soul fragments, a quantum/frequency practitioner accesses the client’s soul fragments from the quantum realm and works in the akashic records and other information databases, without altering their consciousness or leaving their physical body to access information or clear you. The focus in Quantum/Frequency work is on deepening the client’s connection with their Higher Self to awaken their own innate spiritual gifts, help them clear more of their karmic stuff to live from an awakened state, and not be reliant on healers for spiritual information or access to their own innate spiritual gifts. Quantum/Frequency work practitioners focus on developing enough multidimensional access spiritually to do what has been traditionally thought of as Shamanic work, without needing to project their consciousness out and altering their state of consciousness to get information from a different vantage point (that is usually very distorted), leaving the bodies of practitioners and clients alike vulnerable to possession or mind/body splits and distortions. Side note: In past Epochs of earth, most people didn’t access or open their upper chakras, where most spirit and entity attachments and negative aliens reside, so shamanic practices were the standard for providing soul retrievals and entity or spirit removals. However, more and more human beings are accessing the upper chakras as consciousness rises where there are more complex spiritual happenings such as negative aliens, foreign objects, galactic wars, etc, that require different methods for dark arts training and soul development. [As someone who was born with natural shamanic healing abilities and regularly used to project their consciousness out and do soul retrievals this way, it was a challenge to unlearn this and took considerable work to develop myself enough to live from an awakened state such that I can access information without altering my consciousness. However, not projecting your consciousness out as a practitioner is critical when one moves into upper chakra work to ensure both practitioner and client sovereignty in realms that are inundated with higher dimensional beings looking for Human Beings with low security settings and no firewall.]
In quantum/frequency sessions I provide, my Higher Self sends custom and attuned energy healing specific to what is needed for you as instructed by your Higher Self, offers spiritual technologies such as entity clearing, trauma healing, quantum reprogramming, deeper embodiment by putting you in the Zero point (center of your body in the middle of the Torus field of your energy body), collapses ancestral timelines through Akashic records, and specialized spiritual technologies to further your soul development, to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self than selects from the toolkit that is offered the things you are needing at that time to get to a higher bandwidth of consciousness, and my Higher Self provides those upgrades for you during our session.
How Does your Higher Self Know how to do these things?
My Higher Self is able to do these things as a result of a lot of work I’ve done to clear the patterns, programs, and karmic junk keeping me from my gifts; while I was born with some spiritual gifts, mainly being a tad autistic with an engineering mind that loves learning, multidimensional awareness, some shamanic journeying abilities, with a soul determined to reclaim its sovereignty in this life (forcing me to sink or swim, in the most treacherous of waters), the truth is anyone can learn how to do this sort of stuff with a lot of hard work and a high degree of trust in their Higher Self. Everyone has unique spiritual gifts, including the ability to access energy healing from their own Higher Self in their own signature frequency. It’s mostly a matter of putting in the time and energy to clear past the filters obscuring your gifts— and I’ve tried just about everything and this type of work I’ve found is the fastest way to do that. I found a mentor at the exact right time who put me on to this work and empowered me to step into my spiritual gifts, and you can too. Her awakening series are fantastic by the way-you can go far towards developing your spiritual gifts just by doing those over and over. The quantum/frequency sessions I provide naturally help clients develop these skills and abilities.
Back to Reiki— I have my own personal beef with Reiki which made me explore other healing modalities such as what I offer now.
Why I don’t offer Reiki Healing and won’t clear Entity and Spirit Attachments with Reiki
While I had been trained in Reiki I & II by someone who is considered a reputable Reiki Master, I didn’t resonate with the energy. I felt sick after my attunement and although I can’t say for certain if the Reiki attunement was connected, I was continuously spiritually attacked at night and stopped channeling Reiki altogether. I also developed spirit attachments that would channel through me that seemed to be connected to the Reiki attunements I received, and had to find a healer who did not practice reiki to have them removed (which was rare at the time— most healers remove entities via Reiki). Eventually, years later when I discovered frequency work, I removed the Reiki attunements I got during my Reiki training buried in my silver cord and found more false light entities attached to them with spiritual contracts that were created with these entities from the attunements. These contracts permissed these beings from siphoning my energy and limited my spiritual sovereignty and allowed other beings to access my field. I know many Reiki practitioners and I don’t doubt the sincerity and genuineness of the practitioners or their desire to help people heal. I also can’t speak to all Reiki lineages or other energy healing modalities. However, after knowing what I know now about energy transference and the importance of being a clear channel, the idea of receiving second-hand energy from a lineage chain of sometimes thousands of practitioners (seriously, some lineages are thousands of people long, and any person can become a Reiki “Master” for $69 on Udemy) makes my stomach queasy. It is quite easy for one of these people in the lineage to add a subprogram or possess a spirit attachment themselves or some spiritual distortion that then passes to a client. If I were thirsty, I would not seek water from someone’s mouth that had been passing that water down through dozens to thousands of people over a 100 year period and from a faucet of mysterious and vague origins. These and other experiences with certain energy healing modalities and mystical traditions and my experiencing navigating the realms of new age healers and spiritual gurus (story for another time, my friend!) are why I configured myself to not have energy run through Human Me to a client during my sessions. As much as I try to be be a clear channel, I’m human and have my own lessons and human frailties and I don’t want whatever energy a client is receiving to have moved through my physical body.
My personal ethos is that humans are meant to be Sovereign.
We can interact with other spirits, and we can have spirit guides and beautiful moments of connection with helpful beings (with discernment). But I believe we are meant to operate solely and primarily from being connected to our Higher Self, who is solely connected to God, Source, and receive guidance and direction, including what spirits and spirit practices are safe and beneficial, from our connection to our Higher Self. I don’t want symbols in my body or sigils from other beings or cords attached to me, making claims on my energy, and I don’t believe in calling on any spirits or beings to help remove other spirit or entity attachments, such as Archangel Michael, and even Jesus or angels. A healer or practitioner who references calling on outside beings to remove spirits or entities is a bit of a red flag. It signals they do not have a sufficient connection with their Higher Self to help clear you without outside assistance, and a person’s spiritual discernment (ability to sense whether spirits are benevolent or hostile) is dictated by the degree of connection they have with their Higher Self. Also, while there are many benevolent beings that would love nothing more than to help you, there are many spirits masquerading as these same beings (Fake Astral Jesus, Fake Archangel Michael, Metatron, etc) in the astral realm with glamour filters and perceptual blocks, who are not really these beings, and calling on them invites them to you via your free will consent, which allows them to then energetically siphon you and create a contract with you. Then, if the entity or spirit attachment returns or you suddenly have feelings of being tired after visiting a healer (symptom of being energy siphoned), you have to search out another healer to fix the problem created by the first healer.
Also, primarily removing spirit attachments via banishing crystals, spells, smudging, sage, feathers, and other “tools” for clearing is ineffective.
These methods, while they do have energetic effects, don’t clear entity and spirit attachments in a real or lasting way because they don’t address the root cause of spirit and entity attachments. There is an element of “I believe it will work” which can make it work (in this case it is YOUR power that made it work, not the object), but in reality many of these methods are either ineffective, compromise your sovereignty in other ways, or actually invite spirit and entity attachments. The root cause of spirit attachments are often more complex and involve unhealed trauma, a lack of embodiment, and lifestyle choices.
That said, visit a Practitioner that resonates the most for you.
I am aware that there are people who love Reiki or offer Reiki sessions and I’m not universally putting all Reiki healings in the same bucket. I’m simply saying, I tried it and I didn’t like it and here’s why— and here’s what I do differently in my work so that you can gain a deeper understanding of the differences in how these modalities work and make your own free will informed choices. As comprehensive as this information guide is, in an ideal world Human Beings should be able to use and trust their intuition and inner guidance to find a healer that can help them develop their spirituality or help with a spiritual emergency. This is why a big focus in the work I do is to strengthen the connection between the client and their Higher Self, which naturally increases access to inner guidance, amplifies sovereignty and provides spiritual discernment.